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Choosing Joy: Lessons from my Two Year Old
"I love going on a run with you dad."
"I love eating popsicles with you dad."
"I love doing chalk with you dad."

A Message to Teachers - Even Great Teachers Kick Trash Cans Sometimes
In the last few months I've joined two alumni groups on facebook that have popped up on my feed: one for my high school and one for my...

For the Love of the Craft
It's important not to let status, notoriety, or fame cloud your reasons for doing something.

Why do we always forget this about learning? How my son learned to ride a bike before three.
When you try something new, you are going to suck in the beginning. Period. You are. There's no way around it.

Everyone’s just winging it (and that’s okay)
Most of the U.S. went on lockdown in mid-March and ever since things have been chaotic, to say the least.

Fear: The elephant in the room
I’ve quit many things in my life out of fear. I've quit sketch writing classes and improv classes.

Write It Down
Nothing is better to clarify our thoughts, and make a plan actionable than actually writing things down.

How to Create a Masterpiece
What if you were asked to create a masterpiece? Would you be up for it? Would you know what to do? Where to start?
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